Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movin' on up

We are slowly packing and trucking and dragging all our belongings on the 20-some hour trip from South Carolina to Texas. After I first arrived with a carload, Andy came out for a week. We acquired a few new pieces while he was there. The Beverly Hillbillies have come to town...

And we made our first trip to the incredible maze of brilliantly designed housewares known as Ikea. Holy moly. We could've spent days in there. Apparently other people can too...they have cafeterias serving all sorts of serious food, like rib dinners and, appropriately, Swedish meatballs. We only had time to score a couple of things, including this awesome, drawered, folding dining table.

I'm back in Myrtle Beach now helping to box up Andy's apartment for the final leg of the move. We'll hit the road in our Penske truck on June 1.

While packing is fun (sarcasm), the highlight of this trip home was Aunt Patty and Uncle Phil's wedding on May 22. Congrats to the lovebirds...



  1. Yay! So glad to see progress is being made in an Austiny direction. The lovebirds are just awesome, and I hope you all had a wonderful time at the wedding! (rachel)

  2. Ok Ms. Jackson......Stop shopping and find some time in always very busy, crazy, 100mph life and call girl. Just so you know, I'm not upset or anything, because I do know and understand you! I just need to hear from my friend! So call me soon, ok? I miss the shit out of you!

